I came across this ad, and it kind of just annoyed me. It was a cellphone ad and T-mobile was talking about how their myTouch 4G is better than At&t's iPhone 4.
I mean, I don't know much about the iPhone 4, but T-mobile comparing anything against At&t seems stupid and tricky. From what I've seen from friends who have T-Mobile, they do nothing but complain, because of the bad signal. So even if T-Mobile had one feature better than the iPhone 4, what's the point if your phone company sucks anyways? And didn't the iPhone 4 come out before the 4G network on both Sprint and T-Mobile? It's like they know they suck, so they had to find that one tiny detail, that At&t failed at. I don't think it makes much of a difference.
I just think the cell network battles should stick between Verizon and At&t, just saying.... Even though , of course AT&T beats them all! :)
BTW ....they copied the Apple vs PC campaign. They are probably just mocking Apple (since the iPhone is from Apple), by giving them a taste of their own medicine. But I still think it's just a little pathetic.