Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Italian Flag Jap Girl say what?

The Japanese have a lot of strange things, and I think this is definitely one of them.
This ad appears to be a commercial for pizza or pizza flavored poky, which is a common snack among the Japanese. I don't understand what is going on, but it appears these 2 anorexic sumo wrestlers and a woman are dancing back and forth onto an Italian flag..And they are like, dancing steps in the middle of it, which they aren't even following. If you listen closely, it really sounds like they are yelling "Supreme Vagina", but according to the comments page, she is saying "Supreme Bonjourno" .. I feel bad for any Italian that sees this. If this is their way of selling pizza flavored snacks, then go ahead, but let's keep it PG.

1 comment:

  1. I was with you when you showed me this and I still think it's hilarious. I'm beginning to wonder about it though. First of all, I wonder when this commercial was made. If it was back in the day, I'm sure we had some just as goofy. Also, I wonder if this is real advertising for them or was this commercial meant to be hilarious. Imagine if they saw our Old Spice commercials. They would either think "wow this is funny, great ad" or "are they serious? this is weird". Ya know? I guess I'm just saying that we might not understand their style or what they were trying to do with this commercial. It still makes me laugh though.
